64th Annual Stonewall Peach JAMboree & Rodeo
June 19-21, 2025
In Stonewall
Das Fritz Weinhaus
Last Stand Texas
Peach Country RV Park
Pedernales River Habitat
Stonewall Country Cottage
The Martinsburg
In Fredericksburg
Bending Oaks RV
Full Moon Inn Bed and Breakfast
Nebgen Hye House
On the Rock Vacation Rental
Texas Wine Country Jellystone Park
Wine Cellar Bed & Breakfast
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the event?
The Stonewall Peach JAMboree is always the 3rd full weekend in June; beginning with a Rodeo and Dance on Friday night and ending with a Rodeo and Dance on Saturday night.
Where is the event located?
Stonewall Chamber Grounds. 250 Peach Street, Stonewall, TX 78671
Where can I park?
Parking for Friday and Saturday night Rodeo and Dance is located behind Stonewall Elementary School. This parking lot can be accessed from Peach Street. Additional parking along Peach Street.
Parking for Saturday activities is available at same locations above after parade has finished.
Is there an admission fee?
A ticket must be purchased for admittance to the Rodeo and Dance. They can be bought in advance on the Peach JAMboree webpage or purchased at the gate.
Admission is free for daytime activities on Saturday. Admission fee required after 6 pm.
Can I get a refund?
All sales are final. No refunds due to weather.
What forms of payment are accepted?
Credit card is accepted when buying tickets online. Payment at the gate is cash only. An ATM will be available on the grounds.
Where is the parade route?
The parade begins at the Stonewall Elementary School, heads east on Peach Street and moves counterclockwise on the block formed by Peach Street, St. Francis Street, Ranch Road 1, and Freestone Street, and returns to the Elementary School grounds.
What kinds of food are available?
Fresh peaches, peach cobbler, and peach ice cream are sold on the grounds. Peaches are sold individually. Larger quantities of peaches and other peach goods can be purchased at one of several peach stands along Highway 290. Typical carnival fare can also be purchased from several on-site vendors.
BBQ, potato salad, and beans can be purchased after the parade at St. Francis Xavier Church. BBQ is sold by the pound.
Beverage sales on the grounds include beer, wine, soda, and water. Drink tickets must be purchased at ticket windows. Vendors may sell additional specialty drinks.
Are pets allowed on the grounds?
NO. Pets may spook the rodeo livestock causing injury to themselves or others. Please leave your pets at home.
Muttin Bustin’ : When? Where? Who?
There are two heats of mutton bustin each night: the first prior to the start of the rodeo and the second during the rodeo. There are approximately 20-30 entries per heat.
Registration opens when the gates open at 6pm. A registration table will be located in the Chamber Building. Registration is first come first serve. Children must weigh 60 lbs. or less to qualify. Entry fee is $30 per child.
Can I bring my own bag or lawn chairs?
NO BAG CHAIRS OR LAWN CHAIRS will be allowed inside the gate